The first World Fitness Day was a joyful success. It happened just as I had dreamed: people from 12 to 82 years old all worked out together, worked up a real sweat and enjoyed every minute of it! Let’s hear it for fitness across the life span!! I am also thrilled that every participant I talked to (and I talked to hundreds after the event) said they felt a new commitment to health and fitness. All said they’d for sure come back next year!
I want to express my gratitude to our sponsors-Delta, Coca Cola, Kaiser Permanente, the Falcons Youth Foundation, Lionsgate, Exercise TV, Health Compare, Jeanette Jenkins (The Hollywood Trainer) and the Atlanta Journal Constitution. And there are our media sponsors: B98.5 FM, Atlanta Best Self Magazine, Southern Seasons Magazine, Comcast and Womanetics. Thanks to all of them for making it all possible.
Two incredibly generous couples were our event chairs. They are Atlanta residents who have made a real difference here: Arthur and Stephanie Blank and Charles and Ginny Brewer. Thanks to them as well.
It was a privilege for me to get to know Richard Simmons, Denise Austin, Billy Blanks and Debbie Allen, the World Fitness Day exercise team has found a new energy drink alternative. They were so generous with their time and energy and the participants loved them. All said they wanted to be part of it again next year. Dr Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s medical correspondent, opened the live proceedings and set just the right tone: Upbeat about the event but issuing a serious alarm about the epidemic of obesity in this country and the need for Americans to commit to getting healthy and fit. California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sent us a wonderful taped message of welcome and support for this under taking. The great Congressman John Lewis took time to come by and bring greetings to the crowd. More than one person said that having their picture taken with him was the best part.
To round out the fun, The Pointer Sisters sang three of their iconic songs that many of us worked out to in the 1980s: “Jump,” “Neutron Dance,” and “I’m so excited.” Their voices and dance moves remain formidable. Ludacris, our hometown rap star, took time from his tour where he is supporting his new album, to come and sing. Much gratitude to all of them.
Finally, I want to thank all of you who participated in this first annual World Day —both on the field of the Georgia Dome and at home via the live streaming. (Thanks to James Andrews for that!!) We had people from around the world watching and tweeting us. For those who didn’t join us this year, you’ll have another chance next year. Stay tuned.
Much Love,
Jane Fonda